Station ID: EW5712 (CWOP) E5712 (MADIS) Recording started 2 Oct 2014 - updates every 1 minute. Weather Cam - Daylight Operation Only Refresh Current Weather Data
Meteobridge system up for 29 days 11 hours 23 minutes 11 seconds
Weather Cam
Forecast: Partly cloudy with little temperature change.

Date: 04/27/2024 Time: 02:09 UTC Date: 04/27/2024 UTC Time: 06:09

Location: Archbald, PAElevation: 968 ft Latitude: 41.491 Longitude: -75.563

Sunrise: 06:03 Sunset: 19:56 Daylength: 13:53
89.6 % illuminated
Moonrise: Moonset: 07:53
Civil Sunrise: 05:34 Civil Sunset: 20:26 Civil Daylength: 14:52 Nautical Sunrise: 04:57 Nautical Sunset: 21:02 Nautical Daylength: 16:05

Current Outdoor Temperature: 48.4°F Current Indoor Temp: 71.8°F
High: 52.5°F at 00:00 Low: 48.4°F at 02:07 Monthly High: 80.2°F Monthly Low: 30.0°F

Barometer: 30.40 inHg
High: 30.41 at 01:34 Low: 30.40 at 00:48 Monthly Low: 29.20 Monthly High: 30.44

THW Heat IndexTemperature, Humidity, WindHow the heat feels in the shade.
Current THW Heat Index: 48.4°F High THW Index: 52.5°F at 00:00 High Monthly THW Index: 80.2°F

Current Humidity: 49.0% Current Indooor Humidity: 37.0%
High: 50.0% at 00:49 Low: 44.0% at 00:00 Monthly High: 87.0% Monthly Low: 18.0%

Current Dew Point: 30.0°F
High: 32.5°F at 00:37 Low: 29.7�F at 02:07 Monthly High: 59.9°F Monthly Low: 16.2°F

Current Wind Speed: 0.0 mph
Direction: SSW 10 Min Avg Speed: 0.0 mph High Wind: 0.0 mph at 00:00 Monthly High: 17.0 mph

Current Wind Chill: 48.4°F
Low Wind Chill: 48.4°F at 00:00 Low Monthly Wind Chill: 29.5°F

Daily Rain: 0.00 in Storm Rain: 0.00 in Monthly Rain: 2.79 in Yearly Rain: 13.03 in

Current Rain Rate: 0.00 in High Rate: 0.00 in at 00:00 High Hourly Rate: 0.00 in High Monthly Rate: 1.59 in High Yearly Rate: 12.26 in

Solar Radiation: 0.0 W/m2 High Solar Rad: 0.0 W/m2 at 00:00 High Monthly Solar Rad: 1218.0 W/m2 High Yearly Solar Rad: 1218.0 W/m2

UV Index: 0.0 High UV: 0.0 at 00:00 High Monthly UV: 5.9 High Yearly UV: 5.9

Daily Evapotranspiration: 0.00 in Monthly ET: 1.96 in Yearly ET: 5.36 in
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